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Maker of the Month | Boho by Lauren | Fiber Artist

Maker of the Month | Boho by Lauren | Fiber Artist

This Maker of the Month post could quite possibly be the most exciting one yet! Lauren, owner + artist of Boho by Lauren, creates unbelievably gorgeous + subtly dramatic dip dye tapestries that will transform any modern-bohemian home. A few weeks back, Lauren graciously allowed me into her Dallas studio space for some pics + we chatted about Boho by Lauren's origins, what life looks like as a new artist + where she's headed in the future. 

I'd been following Lauren on Instagram for months + I knew instantly she was a perfect fit for the blog. Luckily for me, I have family in Dallas which allowed me time to visit her Dallas studio. Isn't it amazing how social media connects us virtually + physically?! Needless to say, I am so excited to share her company!

Lauren started creating her art last year, almost by accident, as she was diy-ing her own tapestry wall art for her home. She headed on over to Michael's, basically came up with the idea on the spot + started playing around. Eventually, she started posting her artwork on Instagram + let's face it, the rest is history. Lauren's tapestries are stunning. Not only are they bohemian + chic,

they exude a sense of calm + serenity

The mix of colors from blue + green, to deep indigo + lavender, even light pink + neutrals, she truly has an eye for blending + mixing. The tapestries range from large scale, 6' x 4', to smaller, 3' x 4', but will always set off a room. Check her gallery for all her designs.

I was fascinated by her work studio + loved seeing her work in action. From prepping the dyes + testing each one with strands of yarn, I began to see how she handled each piece with care + purpose. With over 55 custom orders on her plate I asked how she consistently comes up with new ideas? Her response was just perfect, she walks through her own home + on any empty wall she visualizes a new piece in that space...or a brilliant idea hits her right before she falls asleep.  No two tapestries are the same +

each one is unique, made by her hands

Take the studio tour below + be prepared to get one for your own home.

Boho by Lauren | Fiber Art Wall Hanging | Maker of the Month | www.foundandkept.com

Boho by Lauren’s been featured on many of top boho instagrammers, including Indie Bungalow + The Jungalow. I know her tapestries are going to be filling many homes this year. She’s looking to continue to grow her tapestry artwork but, also planning to add some interior styling + design in the future...I see a collaboration down the road!! Even being a mama of 3, Lauren's loving the wave of success she’s on + has no plans of slowing down. 

I am so unbelievably touched + inspired by Lauren + the way she’s founded her company. Out of pure love + enjoyment came her art, + she’s continually grateful for her customers + followers. I see her as the ultimate inspiration, working mama of 3, stylish + humble, + loving life. Thank you Lauren for allowing me to share your art + I so look forward to all you will do in the future! 

To purchase your own wall hanging head on over to Boho by Lauren + contact her for a custom piece

Follow Lauren on Instagram, Pinterest + Facebook to stay updated + inspired



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